Then the test of a believer will always increase the height of the sight of Allah & glory, & test the truth of his faith (QS 9/1-2). Some other wisdom from her ordeal is that a believer becomes more mature & robust, as well as the sole trust & surrender to Allah (Qur'an 33/10-13, 22). And no temptation that comes to a believer, unless it's good for him throughout his patience & gratitude, as the Prophet SAW:
"It's amazing the affairs of a believer, if he gets ni'mat so thankful & grateful he was very good for him. And if he is overwritten misfortune be patient & wait it's very good for him. "2 (Muslim & Tirmidhi)
Look at the Prophet's wife, A'ishah who get a very severe test in the history of Islam dg yg vile slander, but Allah SWT said that it is so good for him (Sura 24/11). Imam Ghazali in his Ihya tells the story himself, sangkaannya that he has reached perfection in the patient, then he prayed to God pd exam given at will, then God also testing small dg yg test, ie be unable to urinate, then she began to incapacitate bear the exam, then she began to repent & Allah heal him, then she brought out into the streets saying pd every child who encounters: "Strike the uncle who this stupid boy!"
Exam is a necessity in life, let alone as a believer, heathens get disaster & trouble too (QS 90 / 4), but let us ask to be morbidly exam by Allah, because if HE tests us, then the test is definitely in keeping with our abilities, because He is the Knower, the Wise, but if we who ask to be tested, then the incoming exams may be beyond our ability, because HE Almighty Mighty.
MEANING OF TEST2a. Exam (fitna) is derived from the Arabic word fa-ta-na which means imtihaan, ikhtiyaar, ibtilaa ', which means exams. Adh-dzahaab fatanu sentence means to burn to purify the gold, meaning that gold should be burned (tested) until caught quality. Likewise, the burning of bricks & Laundry & cleaning is done to strengthen it. Similarly, a test for the human soul is given to strengthen & cleanse his sins.
b. Ali ra said: Faith is not the ideals of & nor the human imagination, but it is something heart & stabbed in the righteousness of his deeds.
1. FAMILY AND CHILD EXAM (QS 64/14-15)2· The best example for this is the Prophet Ibrahim & his family, had long been ill to have children (QS 15/54), while older age was given a child was ordered by Allah to be abandoned in the desert barren (QS 14/37), as a teenager after long time no see were commanded to slaughter it (QS 37/102). But all that morbidly thrilling iota of his love for his Creator.
· Another example is the Prophet Muhammad, who is mentioned in al-hadith repeatedly widowed by her family (from the already ill since childhood with a father and widowed mother, grandfather, uncle, his wife, his children) but he remained patient SAW .
· The tabi'in like Farukh who left his wife is pregnant to defend Islam, then his son went on to become tabi'in in Medina that is ar-Ra'yu Rabi'a. Salaf like Imam Shafi'i was left by his father for jihad, but sought the mother remain patient & his son become the number one pd scholars of his day.
· Example family ugliness to trial who is experienced by the Prophet Luth & Noah. A servant who believe, but their wives are most hostile to his message so that even their wives were both enshrined by Allah in the Koran as the figures experts Hell (Sura 66/10). At the trial conditions of evil husband who is as experienced by the Asiyyah bint Muzahim, wife of Pharaoh, who torments her husband to be patient on to become one of the most prominent among women in syurga (QS 66/11)
2. EXAM TREASURE (QS 57/20) 2
· Prophet Sulayman. Opened an abundance of treasures as the most powerful king who, given the ability of subjecting the animals, even Jin, Syaithan, wind as a vehicle, able to understand the languages of animals, but instead he prayed: O my Lord, show me how I'm grateful ni'mat you, & how I worship thee who most ridhai. (Sura 27/19).
· Prophet Muhammad: Got 1 / 5 ghanimah treasure, never got the goat ghanimah as much as two hills, but when dead? Just having a horse, sword & armor who spout pd a Jew. Prayers rush to her room because remember pd yg gold piece has not dishadaqahkan; In women who give cakes as he holds the jewels of Bahrain, who immediately put all the jewelry he held; Lamb two hills after the battle of Hunain requested by a Bedouin is given in full; Never say "No" pd person who asks (HR Agreed alaih from Jabir ra).
SAW · He once declared:
"By God, who am I scared of indigence is not upon you, but I'm afraid if God will open the door of the world as it has been opened for his ummah before you, then you are competing to enjoy it, as the ummah before you too have been racing to enjoy it, then the world's destroy you, as it destroyed them. "2
This hadith is experienced by the friends of Allah be pleased (at the conquest of Persia), the abundance of ghanimah the Muslims, until there is a subordinate soldier who carried a crown of King Khusraw Persian & pd commander gave it so impressed the commander pd honesty.
· Wisdom ditenggelamkannya Qarun dizaman Musa (Sura 28/76), by failing to test his property dg.
3. SCIENCE EXAM (QS 2 / 44; 7/175-176) 2
· Lessons from Balaam the son of Mulkan (QS 7/175-176), a scholar who is very pious Israelites (smart) & experts of worship, but then was tempted by lust (women) & the world (assets) that belong to the person wretched in the world & in the hereafter.
· Lessons of Samiri (QS 20/95-96), a scholar Children of Israel who are very clever, but cleverness and then abused after the death of the leader to make cows misleading his people.
· Wisdom of Prophet Ayyub as (QS 21/83), was given a very severe test of the disease but remain in the faith that Allah raise his ranks in the world & in the hereafter.
· Wisdom Ashaabul Ukhdud (QS 85/4-8), a young believer who is given a variety of ordeals but Allah saved, so that his death by the king witnessed by the entire population of the city's conversion to Islam, causing the whole town, so the king made a trench around the city & lit the fire and ordered the entire population indisposed infidels to plunge into the trench, so that thousands of people were martyred (more on the book of hadith Riyadhus Righteous vol-II, by Imam Nawawi)
6. EXAM IN RELIGIOUS (QS 5 / 77) 2
° to exaggeration & extreme (ifraath) / reverse to continue to decrease (tafriith) in running the religion.
· Word of the Prophet: "Islam will be carried in every generation by those who just; who always tries to clean up this religion of the deviation of those superfluous, manipulation of those who err, & interpretation of the people who are stupid. "(Ahmad)
· People supererogatory / extreme constantly trying to add to & aggravate this already perfect religion dg enacting various interpretations of religion is losing the softness & rahmahnya so-hard to be religious, violent & without compromise. While people are always trying to pervert the verse or hadith to interpret at will & desires & dg bad intentions destroy Islam from within. And those fools who tried to practice their religion without science & without a powerful arguments that religion is becoming a full dg heresy.
· That the receipt of worship mahdhah requirement is that it must be sincere (QS 98 / 5) & should ittiba '/ there is an example of the Prophet of the beard who saheeh (QS 3 / 31). While the requirement of receipt of worship ghairu mahdhah (mu'amalah) is to be sincere & morbidly contradicting the argument of who saheeh.
" assalamualaikum....sim abdi rumaos salah sim abdi kirang sopan tur gagabah kukituna abdi nyuhunken jembar pangampura...sanaos akang sareng keluarga masih keneh bendu ka abdi rumaos abdi jalma teu terang akhlak...jauh ti pangarti sanaos tujuan abdi bener tapi jalanana salah...sawangsulan dai abdi nyuhunken di hapunten......tina kasalahan abdi tos nga upload sembarangan...." mugia ulah bendu manah ninggalih kirang raga sareng prayoga...mugia ulah diginding kelir kembang siloka....nepangken abdi anu bangkawarah...santri KADU KAWENG ANU BENGAL....DEUGEUL BARI KIRANG SOPAN.....ABDI URANG PANDEGLANG....SALAH SAWIOS RERENCANGANA MANG UTI...!!! wasaalamualikum
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