Not pretty = Minder and rarely liked.
Beautiful = Confident, well-known and much liked.
AH the time anyway?
That's a bit of formula in mind that there is a woman or it could be sisters. A simple formula but it is very dangerous. Where the origins of this formula? Could be from the media or by public opinion which has also been poisoned by the media-both print and electronic-that beauty is only limited to the outer skin only. All citizens of Indonesia as one word that is beautiful is a white-skinned, tall, slim, sharp nose, red lips, a sharp eye, trim, etc.. As a result many of the womenfolk who like to have such a beautiful image that depicted the general public, they are tempted to buy cosmetics that can realize their dreams and began putting the corridor syariĆ¢ € ™ at the boundaries have been set up to look beautiful. There are anxiously rubbing skin whitening, straightening hair, shaved eyebrows, curling eyelashes, painting the hair to make sharp nose on business through a series of silicone treatment, etc.. In short, they want to look as pretty as the cover model, the ad stars or friends qadarullah recitation that looks enticing. So no wonder every time I pass the largest cosmetic shop in my town, the store never deserted by boisterous sort womenfolk who choose cosmetic in a row of storefront and mematut in front of the glass while continuing to listen to the sweet seduction of the mba SPG.
Beautiful words have been reduced in such a way by the media, so many are neglecting the true essence of beauty. They were busy polishing the outer skin without a care in the hearts of those who increasingly arid. The goal? Obviously, to add a row of fans and so that later can more easily find a mate, it would be naive. In fact, many of my friends study of successful marriage is not including a beautiful woman or a lot of cases that appeared in the media that the beauty of this and that marriage foundered in the middle of the road. So, there is no correlation between the beautiful and successful life!.
My friends who successfully married, although not very pretty but her personality is very pleasant, they do not really focus on the rehabilitation of the outer skin but they are more concerned at the continuing recovery of faith so that it appears in the attitude and the principle of their lives, not brittle solid. Also, if someone is looking lovely they even cover it with a veil so that her beauty is not a trial for the adam and only dedicated to the husband only, Subhanalloh. One word that continues to resonate in their lives that is grateful in what Allah has given without demanding more, happy with body shape and curve of the face because it is Allah who bestowed according to his best form, instead of by the media or our shallow minds. If we could choose, have a beautiful face and a personality that is more comfortable but not everyone is blessed with that kind of thing, that's the great justice of Allah, there are advantages and disadvantages of self of each person. And one thing is for sure, everyone behaved according to their understanding, if we are diligent in their studies of religion InsyaAlloh our movements in accordance with the knowledge that we have. Similarly, this also occurs in women who are fixated on physical beauty alone, according to my assumption, they are victims of advertising and less diligent studying religion, so that women born shallow minded, easily tempted and teased. To quote one hadith, the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam said:
Who is Allah wills good for him, Allah will pahamkan he was in his religion (Saheeh, Agreed upon).
Described above Hadith by Sheikh Ibn Baz that he shows the primacy of science. If Allah wanted a servant's kindness, Allah will hang his religion until he can find out what is right and what is false, where the error where instructions. With it also he can know his Lord with his name and his attributes as well as know the greatness of his rights. He also will know the end to be obtained by the guardians of Allah and the enemies of Allah.
Shaykh Ibn Baz also further reminded how urgennya studying Shari'a:
As for science syar'i, should be prosecuted by any person (fardhu ain), because Allah created the jinn and man to worship and devoted to Him. While there is no way to worship and devoted except with syar'i science, science as the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Thus, aware from the beginning that Allah created us not in vain. We are required to continue to worship Him. Science of religion that we must explore is the science of Ittibaurrasul (modeled on the Prophet) in accordance with the best understanding of the previous generation (salafusshalih), it is a fundamental duty and obligation. If we are knowledgeable surely we will find out that shaving the eyebrows (an-namishah), tattoos (al-wasyimah), hone teeth (al-mutafallijah) or the trend of today such as connecting with a real hair wig (al-washilah) is illegitimate because it works -actions include changing the creation of Allah. The rules of sharia is a complete set of rules and universal, so the desire to beautify themselves should remain guided by the principles of Shari'a, so we do not bring disastrous beauty and wrath of Allah. What is pretty good but not peaceful or beautiful heart but cursed by Allah and His apostle, yet physical beauty will not last long, he just false. There are more beautiful in front of Allah, the Lord of hosts, the beauty of the heart which will affect the noble morality and berbalaskan heaven. Many self-introspection multiply (muhasabah), identify what is still lacking and quickly addressed. Do not follow these steps with the devil we neglect the primary task for polishing the outer skin is not free, it takes time and costs are not small. Would not spending money (wasteful) is a friend of the devil?. SO, let us change little by little about the paradigm of beauty.
Schools of Shari'a = BEAUTIFUL
No schools of Shari'ah = Not at all BEAUTIFUL!
How? agree?.
From Abu Hurairah, Allah said Rosullalloh
Allah does not see your physical and likeness of you will but God sees your heart and your deeds (Narrated by Muslim)
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