Saturday, June 11, 2011

Marriage Laws in Islam

Under the command of marriage from some of the verses of the Koran and the hadith of the Prophet, the scholars disagree on marriage law nenetapkan. According Jumhur Ulama, the marriage was voluntary and could also be mandatory or forbidden. Marriage is included in the field of Muamalat, is the basic rule is ibahah Muamalat (fine). Therefore, the legal origin of mating in terms of Islamic law rules category are: Ibahah (fine), Sunnah (when viewed from the physical growth, the desire to settle down, mental readiness, preparedness fund married life has really existed), Mandatory (if someone is mature enough to housekeeping, both in terms of physical and spiritual growth, and mental readiness, ability to finance domestic life and in order not to fall in a hole adultery), makruh (if done by someone who is not ready physically, spiritually (mental ), as well as household expenses), Haram (that violate the prohibitions or unable menghidupu family.

In Islam, marriage requirements are:
(1) consent of both parties,
(2) mahr (dowry),
(3) must not violate the prohibitions of marriage.
When the marriage requirement is not met, then the marriage is invalid or null and void.
While the pillars of marriage are:
(1) future husband,
(2) The candidate's wife,
(3) guardian,
(4) witnesses and
(5) consent granted.

Summary of Procedure for Marriage In Islam

Islam is a religion that syumul (universal). Religion that covers all facets of life. There is not a problem whatsoever, in this life, which is not explained. And there is no single problem that does not touch the Islamic values, although the problem seems small and trivial. Includes marriage ordinances of Islam are so full of nuance great nan. And Islam invites to abandon the traditions of the past filled with ceremonies and customs that prolonged and exhausting as well as contrary to Islamic law.

Islam has given a clear concept about marriage procedures based on the Quran and the Sunnah of Sahih. In this occasion the editor trying to present it briefly and as needed. The Procedure or series of the Marriage in Islam is as follows:

I. Khitbah (proposal)

A Muslim man who would marry a Muslim he should propose first, because it is possible he was dipinang by others, in this case Islam forbids a Muslim woman who was dipinang proposed by others (Muttafaq 'alayhi). In khitbah disunnahkan see the face that will dipinang (HR: [saheeh] Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi No. 1093 and Darimi).

II. Aqad Marriage

In aqad marriage there are some terms and obligations that must be met:
a. The presence of both consensual bride.
b. The existence of consent Qabul.
c. The existence of Mahar.
d. The existence of Guardians.
e. The existence of witnesses.

And according to the sunnah before marriage held aqad first sermon, called Khutbatun Marriage or Khutbatul urination.

III. Walimah

Walimatul 'urusy obligatory and this will be as simple as possible and in walimah should be invited to the poor. Rasululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said about inviting rich people just mean the food is bad-bad food.

Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, meaning: "The worst food is the food in walimah which only invite people just to eat rich, while poor people were not invited. Whoever does not attend the invitation walimah, then she rebel against God and His Messenger. " (HR: [saheeh] Muslim 4:154 and 7:262 Bayhaqi from Abu Hurayrah).

As a cautionary note should be invited to the righteous people, whether rich or poor, because there are words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, meaning: "Do not associate it with those who believe and do not eat your food but the people are god-fearing ". (HR: [saheeh] Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Hakim 4:128 and 3:38 Ahmad from Abu Sa'eed).

(Reference Source: Various Sources of the Qur'an and Sunnah and Hadith Books).

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