Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala will not accept the prayer of a servant before his purification, and one of them is to perform ablutions, and how many Muslims are less concerned in this matter, so that in a purification ritual, they sangaat far from the prophet conton shalallahu'alaihi wa sallam when copying shalallahu'alaihi wa sallam is the Messenger of one of the conditions of receipt of deeds of a servant. therefore mandatory for ablution setiapmuslim to understand these issues and this is one reason syar'i obligatory to learn science.
Discussion ...!
Dear Readers, we are thrilled at the opportunity to meet this time in rubric Jurisprudence concise, and God willing we will continue to discuss these issues in a concise fiqh, as for that Insha Allah we will discuss on this occasion is about the ablution.
Dear Readers, In language, ablution derived from the word Al-Wadha'ah, who has a sense of cleanliness and brightness.Meanwhile, according to the terms, ablution is to use water for certain members of the body (ie face, two hands, head and two legs) to eliminate the things that can hinder a person to perform the prayer or worship others.
Dear Readers, Many diagnostic argument there that discuss Disyariatkannya Ablution
The first is the argument from the Quran
In this case, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says which means, "O ye who believe, if you want to pray, then wash your faces and taganmu up to the elbows, rub your heads and (wash) your feet to the ankles. "(Surat Al-Maidah: 6)
The second front is the argument from the Sunnah, such as
As narrated from Ibn Abbas radi 'anhu, who said: Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, 'I was ordered to do it when going to the prayer. "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, An-Nasa'i with a degree saheeh)
Dear Readers Also, there are also hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu, he said: The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, "No prayer accepted any one of you if he berhadas, until he perform ablution." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim )
Further Evidence Ijma 'is
Behold The scholars have agreed, that is not legitimate prayer without purification, if he is able to do so.
Well Dear Readers, It is important and the glory of this ablution case, to the extent that the Ulama explain that someone unauthorized prayer without ablution, then Dear Readers, it is proper for every Muslim to pay great attention to this problem by trying to smarten wudhunya ie with due regard to the terms, obligations and sunnah-sunnah ablution.
Dear Readers Well, actually what are the requirements, obligations and the Sunnah-sunnah ablution? For more details, let us refer to the following discussion:
Dear Readers, first, we will discuss the validity of these Terms Ablution
What is meant by the terms of validity of ablution is the matter-matter that must be met by people who want to perform ablution.And if this requirement is not met then wudhu'nya invalid. Well briefly Among the terms of ablution are:
1. Muslim.
As for the unbelievers, their deeds-deeds as scattered dust that will not be accepted by Allah Ta'ala, although they ablution thousands of times.
2. Intention, it is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "The charity that depends on his intentions, and everyone is getting what he purposes. "(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim). Therefore, Dear Readers,, people who dhohirnya or (by naked eye) ablution, but his intention merely to cool the body or agency without diniati refreshing to execute commands of Allah and His messenger in the ablution and eliminate hadats, then the invalid wudhunya . And that needs to be noted, that the intention here is located in the heart and does not need dilafazkan.
3. Using the holy water
Dear Readers, the discussion of this holy water we have to convey to a few meetings ago, but as a reminder, we will review some of the criteria that says the holy water.
Dear Readers, or holy water is said to be innocent when they are not mixed by the substance / goods that unclean that it becomes transformed one of the three properties, namely smell, taste and color. If the water has been exposed to unclean, such as urine or another, then a changing any of the three properties above, water has become impure again based on consensus'. If the water is tercampuri by something that is not defiled, the water is still allowed to be used for ablution when the mixture just a little.However, if the mixture enough to make the water can not be said again as water, the water that has been changed it can not be used to do it anymore because we can not say anymore as water. For example, there is the pure water 1 liter. Water is then mixed with 5 tablespoons of powdered milk and stirred. Then mix this water can no longer be used for ablution since has changed its name to "milk" and not be regarded as water again.
4. Using water permissible if the water is obtained by stealing, then the invalid ablution with water. This is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Verily, Allaah is All-Good. He did not receive anything except good. "(Narrated by Muslim). It's understandable, that stealing is an act that is not good and keharamannya obvious. Therefore, Dear Readers, water loot (which is the stuff that is not good) is used for ablution invalid.
Furthermore, the fifth requirement is, Eliminating something that prevents the arrival of water to the skin.
so Dear Readers, Not valid ablution someone wearing kutek or others that may hinder the arrival of water to the skin.
Dear Readers, here's some of the terms of validity of ablution, that is the case-case that must be met by people who want to perform ablution. And if this requirement is not met then wudhu'nya invalid.
Dear Readers, this is probably that I can convey in this opportunity, and God willing we will continue to discuss the pillars of wudu, ablution and sunnah-sunnah Invalidate wushu at the next meeting, Wassalamu 'Alaiku Warahmatullah Wabarokaatuh.
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