Among the scholars are developing a lot of opinions about the law of prayer in congregation. Some say Fardhu `ain, so people who did not join the prayer in congregation sinned. Some say fardhu kifayah so that when the existing congregational prayer, gugurlah obligation of others to be prayer in congregation. Some say that the prayers of pilgrims fardhu kifayah law. And there also said the ruling muakkadah Sunnah.
Of course each of opinion that there is truth, because they have berijtihad to meet the true rule of law istimbath. Even if the result is different, of course as this is ijtihad. For there is no lafadz explicitly in the Quran or hadith that says that the prayer in congregation is like this and this ruling.
There are only so many arguments that still may receive different kinds of conclusions. And actually this is very common in the world of jurisprudence, we need not worry if there is an opinion of clerics who were not in line with what we understand so far. Or different from what is taught by our teachers during this.
And here we detail each of the existing opinions and arguments of each, may be useful and add to our knowledge in Islamic sciences.
1. Second Opinion: fardhu kifayahWho says this is Al-Imam Ash-Syafi `i and Abu Hanifa as mentioned by Ibn Habirah in the book of Al-Ifshah vol 1 page 142. Likewise, scholars jumhur both past and the next. Included is also the opinion of most scholars of the school of Al-Hanafiyah and Al-Malikiyah.
It said as fardhu kifayah means is that if there are run, then another gugurlah obligation to do so. Conversely, when no one else who runs congregational prayer, then berdosalah everyone who was there. That's because the congregation prayer that is part of Islamic religious syiar.
In the book Raudhatut Thalibin work-Imam An-Nawawi mentioned that:
Congregational prayer is that the ruling Fardhu `ain for Friday prayers. As for other fardhu prayer, there are several opinions. The most saheeh law is fardhu kifayah, but also some say is Sunnah and still others say the ruling Fardhu `ain.
As for the argument when they argue as above is:
From Abi Darda `ra that Rasulullah SAW said, It is not 3 people who lived in a village or a remote but do not perform congregational prayers, except devil had taken control of them. Let your congregation, for the wolves that eat sheep separated from the flock.
From Malik bin Al-Huwairits that the Prophet Muhammad, Return you to your family and stay with them, teach them prayers and commanded them to do it. When prayer time comes, then let one of you sing the call to prayer and the oldest to the priesthood. .
From Ibn 'Umar. that the Prophet SAW said, the main prayer in congregation is more than praying alone by 27 degrees.
Khatthabi in the book Al-Ma `alimus-Sunan vol 1 page 160 says that most scholars As-Syafi` i said that prayer in congregation was not ruling on fardhu kifayah Fardhu `ain with under this hadith.
2. First opinion: Fardhu `AinWho think so are Atho `bin Abi Rabah, Al-Auza` i, Thawr, Ibn Khuzaemah, Ibn Hibbaan, mostly scholars and schools of Al-Hanafiyah Hanabilah. Atho `said that the obligation to do and not kosher in addition, that is, when someone heard the call to prayer, should he come to pray. .
The evidence is the following hadith:
From Aisha ra said, Who hears but does not answer the call to prayer, then he does not want kindness and goodness do not want it.
Thus, if a Muslim pilgrims leave the prayer without excuse, but he prayed his prayer remains valid.
From Abu Hurairah ra. that the Prophet SAW said, Truly I have no desire to pray and established order, and then I ordered one person to be a priest. Then go with me by several people carrying a bundle of firewood go to a people who did not join to attend the prayer and I burn their houses with fire. .
3. Third Opinion: Sunnah MuakkadahThis opinion is supported by the school of Al-Hanafiyah and Al-Malikiyah as mentioned by the priest in his book As-Syaukani Nailul Authar vol 3 page 146. He said that the opinion of the most central in legal trouble praying in congregation is sunnah muakkadah. While the notion that the ruling Fardhu `ain, fardhu kifayah or conditions syahnya prayer, certainly not acceptable.
Al-Karkhi of cleric al-Hanafiyah say that prayer in congregation it is Sunnah, but not disunnahkan not to follow except for senility. In this sense among the schools of al-Sunnah muakkadah Hanafiyah about the same as mandatory for others. This means that the same muakkadah Sunnah mandatory. .
Khalil, a scholar from the school of Al-Malikiyah in his book Al-Mukhtasar say that prayer in congregation except fardhu Friday prayer is Sunnah muakkadah. See Jawahirul Iklil halama vol 1 76.
Ibn Juzzi say that prayer in congregation fardhu conducted haraam fardhu muakkadah Sunnah. . Ad-Dardir in the book of Ash-As-Shaghir Syarhu vol 1 page 244 says that praying in congregation with the priest fardhu with and in addition to Friday, ruling muakkadah Sunnah.
Postulate that they use for their opinion include the following arguments:
From Ibn 'Umar that the Prophet SAW said, the main prayer in congregation is better than praying alone by 27 degrees.
Ash-Shan `ani Subulus-Salam in his book vol 2 page 40 mentions the hadith mentioned above that this hadith is the proposition that prayer in congregation that his legal fardhu not mandatory.
In addition they also use the following hadith:
From Abi Musa ra said that Rasulullah SAW said, Those who get the greatest reward is the person who goes farthest. People who are waiting for congregational prayers with the priest greater reward than one who prays alone then sleep.
4. Fourth opinion: Terms Syahnya PrayerThe fourth opinion is an opinion which says that the legal requirement is a requirement syahnya fardhu congregational prayers. So for them, prayer is not valid fardhu if not done with the congregation.
Who argue like this, among others, Ibn Taymiyya in one opinion. Likewise, Ibn al-Qayyim, his student. Also Ibn Aqil and Ibn Abi Musa and sect Zhahiriyah. Included among them is the hadith scholars, Abul Hasan At-Tamimi, Abu al-Barakat of the Ibn Al-Hanabilah and Khuzaemah.
Postulate that they use are:
From Ibn Abbas ra. bersaba that the Prophet Muhammad, Who heard the call to prayer but did not come, then there is no longer pray for him, but because there are elderly.
From Abi Hurairah ra. that the Prophet SAW said, Verily the most serious prayer for the hypocrites are Isha and Fajr prayers. If they know what they can from the second prayer, surely they will come though with a crawl. Really I have no desire to pray and established order, and then I ordered one person to be a priest. Then go with me by several people carrying a bundle of firewood go to a people who did not join to attend the prayer and I burn their houses with fire. .
From Abi Hurairah ra. said that the Prophet Muhammad was visited by a man who was blind and said, O Messenger of Allah, no one who led me to the mosque. Prophet Muhammad said to provide relief for him. When it passed, the Prophet called him and asked, Did you hear the azan prayer? Yes, he replied. Go to, said the Prophet Muhammad. .
And Allaah knows best bishshawab, wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Of course each of opinion that there is truth, because they have berijtihad to meet the true rule of law istimbath. Even if the result is different, of course as this is ijtihad. For there is no lafadz explicitly in the Quran or hadith that says that the prayer in congregation is like this and this ruling.
There are only so many arguments that still may receive different kinds of conclusions. And actually this is very common in the world of jurisprudence, we need not worry if there is an opinion of clerics who were not in line with what we understand so far. Or different from what is taught by our teachers during this.
And here we detail each of the existing opinions and arguments of each, may be useful and add to our knowledge in Islamic sciences.
1. Second Opinion: fardhu kifayahWho says this is Al-Imam Ash-Syafi `i and Abu Hanifa as mentioned by Ibn Habirah in the book of Al-Ifshah vol 1 page 142. Likewise, scholars jumhur both past and the next. Included is also the opinion of most scholars of the school of Al-Hanafiyah and Al-Malikiyah.
It said as fardhu kifayah means is that if there are run, then another gugurlah obligation to do so. Conversely, when no one else who runs congregational prayer, then berdosalah everyone who was there. That's because the congregation prayer that is part of Islamic religious syiar.
In the book Raudhatut Thalibin work-Imam An-Nawawi mentioned that:
Congregational prayer is that the ruling Fardhu `ain for Friday prayers. As for other fardhu prayer, there are several opinions. The most saheeh law is fardhu kifayah, but also some say is Sunnah and still others say the ruling Fardhu `ain.
As for the argument when they argue as above is:
From Abi Darda `ra that Rasulullah SAW said, It is not 3 people who lived in a village or a remote but do not perform congregational prayers, except devil had taken control of them. Let your congregation, for the wolves that eat sheep separated from the flock.
From Malik bin Al-Huwairits that the Prophet Muhammad, Return you to your family and stay with them, teach them prayers and commanded them to do it. When prayer time comes, then let one of you sing the call to prayer and the oldest to the priesthood. .
From Ibn 'Umar. that the Prophet SAW said, the main prayer in congregation is more than praying alone by 27 degrees.
Khatthabi in the book Al-Ma `alimus-Sunan vol 1 page 160 says that most scholars As-Syafi` i said that prayer in congregation was not ruling on fardhu kifayah Fardhu `ain with under this hadith.
2. First opinion: Fardhu `AinWho think so are Atho `bin Abi Rabah, Al-Auza` i, Thawr, Ibn Khuzaemah, Ibn Hibbaan, mostly scholars and schools of Al-Hanafiyah Hanabilah. Atho `said that the obligation to do and not kosher in addition, that is, when someone heard the call to prayer, should he come to pray. .
The evidence is the following hadith:
From Aisha ra said, Who hears but does not answer the call to prayer, then he does not want kindness and goodness do not want it.
Thus, if a Muslim pilgrims leave the prayer without excuse, but he prayed his prayer remains valid.
From Abu Hurairah ra. that the Prophet SAW said, Truly I have no desire to pray and established order, and then I ordered one person to be a priest. Then go with me by several people carrying a bundle of firewood go to a people who did not join to attend the prayer and I burn their houses with fire. .
3. Third Opinion: Sunnah MuakkadahThis opinion is supported by the school of Al-Hanafiyah and Al-Malikiyah as mentioned by the priest in his book As-Syaukani Nailul Authar vol 3 page 146. He said that the opinion of the most central in legal trouble praying in congregation is sunnah muakkadah. While the notion that the ruling Fardhu `ain, fardhu kifayah or conditions syahnya prayer, certainly not acceptable.
Al-Karkhi of cleric al-Hanafiyah say that prayer in congregation it is Sunnah, but not disunnahkan not to follow except for senility. In this sense among the schools of al-Sunnah muakkadah Hanafiyah about the same as mandatory for others. This means that the same muakkadah Sunnah mandatory. .
Khalil, a scholar from the school of Al-Malikiyah in his book Al-Mukhtasar say that prayer in congregation except fardhu Friday prayer is Sunnah muakkadah. See Jawahirul Iklil halama vol 1 76.
Ibn Juzzi say that prayer in congregation fardhu conducted haraam fardhu muakkadah Sunnah. . Ad-Dardir in the book of Ash-As-Shaghir Syarhu vol 1 page 244 says that praying in congregation with the priest fardhu with and in addition to Friday, ruling muakkadah Sunnah.
Postulate that they use for their opinion include the following arguments:
From Ibn 'Umar that the Prophet SAW said, the main prayer in congregation is better than praying alone by 27 degrees.
Ash-Shan `ani Subulus-Salam in his book vol 2 page 40 mentions the hadith mentioned above that this hadith is the proposition that prayer in congregation that his legal fardhu not mandatory.
In addition they also use the following hadith:
From Abi Musa ra said that Rasulullah SAW said, Those who get the greatest reward is the person who goes farthest. People who are waiting for congregational prayers with the priest greater reward than one who prays alone then sleep.
4. Fourth opinion: Terms Syahnya PrayerThe fourth opinion is an opinion which says that the legal requirement is a requirement syahnya fardhu congregational prayers. So for them, prayer is not valid fardhu if not done with the congregation.
Who argue like this, among others, Ibn Taymiyya in one opinion. Likewise, Ibn al-Qayyim, his student. Also Ibn Aqil and Ibn Abi Musa and sect Zhahiriyah. Included among them is the hadith scholars, Abul Hasan At-Tamimi, Abu al-Barakat of the Ibn Al-Hanabilah and Khuzaemah.
Postulate that they use are:
From Ibn Abbas ra. bersaba that the Prophet Muhammad, Who heard the call to prayer but did not come, then there is no longer pray for him, but because there are elderly.
From Abi Hurairah ra. that the Prophet SAW said, Verily the most serious prayer for the hypocrites are Isha and Fajr prayers. If they know what they can from the second prayer, surely they will come though with a crawl. Really I have no desire to pray and established order, and then I ordered one person to be a priest. Then go with me by several people carrying a bundle of firewood go to a people who did not join to attend the prayer and I burn their houses with fire. .
From Abi Hurairah ra. said that the Prophet Muhammad was visited by a man who was blind and said, O Messenger of Allah, no one who led me to the mosque. Prophet Muhammad said to provide relief for him. When it passed, the Prophet called him and asked, Did you hear the azan prayer? Yes, he replied. Go to, said the Prophet Muhammad. .
And Allaah knows best bishshawab, wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
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