Problem: The practice is recommended when the ablution ',and whether prayer should be spoken afterward?
Alhamdulillah, the procedure of washing 'according to the Shari'a are as follows:
- Pouring water from the vessel (bucket) to wash their handsthree times;
- Then menyiduk water with his right hand and then rinse his mouth and putting water into the nose and release it threetimes;
- Then wash the face three times;
- Then wash both hands up to elbow three times;
- then rubbed his head and both ears once a swab;
- Then wash the feet to the ankles thrice. He can wash it twiceor once basuhan alone suffice.
After that he should pray:
"ASYHADU allaa wahdahu ilaaha illa wa laa syarikalahuASYHADU anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluhu,Allahummaj' alni minal mutathahhiriin waj'alni tawwabiininterest."
It means: "I testify that none has the right ilaah properlyworshiped but Allah alone no partner for Him. And I testify thatMuhammad is His servant and messenger. Yaa Allah makeslaves of those who repent and those who purify themselves. "
As before, let him say 'bismillah' based on the hadith whichreads:
"Not perfect wudu 'which does not begin with a reading of asthma God (bismillah)." (Reported by al-Tirmidhi 56)
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